I am a kind of person who loves to stay home lying down reading magazines and Nora Robert's romance stories. But last Saturday I worked half day and the rest of the afternoon was all about Aiman since Che Man worked till 6pm. This little bully refused to sleep when mommy already mengantuk setengah mati. I prepared cucur bawang for late tea time. Che Man had his tea & cucur while I was giving Aiman his bath. Later they went out to padang to play. Just about half an hour or so, but I enjoyed my cucur, coffee and Nora Robert's in peace. Jadi la. After maghrib we went out to a bank in Klang and to T.esco in S.etia A.lam for dinner and purchased some stuffs.
I usually do my housework at night. Sweeping, wiping, mopping, arranging things, angkat kain, basuh kain, sidai kain, lipat kain, gosok baju, etc. Oohhh… these things about kain / baju related chores can never finish lah!
Woke up a bit late the next morning, prepared simple breakfast at home and did some other house chores some more. I love doing laundry (but must use washing machine okkeh?) and really love sunny day on weekend so that I can do few loads of laundry. Sometimes I wonder why I do 2 loads of laundry everyday when only 3 people in house? Ntah la.
Siap-siap kan Aiman, laki & diri sendiri for a friend wedding reception. At 12.30pm some friends came over - to go to the kenduri together. We left my house at 1.00pm.
The kenduri stories.
It was a BIG one. So many people nak jalan pun tergesel-gesel. Punya la banyak khemah. Lots of foods including ayam golek, cendol, keropok lekor, etc. Pengantin came in style – sat on top of minicar seats followed by many minicars, pastu berarak pulak with some pancaragam (don’t know what to call them actually), disambut pulak dengan kompang, pas tu dipersembahkan pulak dengan pencak silat dan tah apa-apa lagi tah.
Yadi ooiiii! Kau ingat nko artis? Hehehehe….
Pengantin berseri-seri tapi tak sempat nak merenjis & ambik gambar sesama. Too hot, too crowded and already 3.00 something masa pengantin duduk kat pelamin. We wished we could stay longer. Congratulations Yadi & Faz. Moga bahagia hingga ke anak cucu. Here are some photos I managed to snap dalam kejauhan, keributan dan kemeriahan majlis yang menceriakan seluruh Klang hari tu. Cewaaahh!
I usually do my housework at night. Sweeping, wiping, mopping, arranging things, angkat kain, basuh kain, sidai kain, lipat kain, gosok baju, etc. Oohhh… these things about kain / baju related chores can never finish lah!
Woke up a bit late the next morning, prepared simple breakfast at home and did some other house chores some more. I love doing laundry (but must use washing machine okkeh?) and really love sunny day on weekend so that I can do few loads of laundry. Sometimes I wonder why I do 2 loads of laundry everyday when only 3 people in house? Ntah la.
Siap-siap kan Aiman, laki & diri sendiri for a friend wedding reception. At 12.30pm some friends came over - to go to the kenduri together. We left my house at 1.00pm.
The kenduri stories.
It was a BIG one. So many people nak jalan pun tergesel-gesel. Punya la banyak khemah. Lots of foods including ayam golek, cendol, keropok lekor, etc. Pengantin came in style – sat on top of minicar seats followed by many minicars, pastu berarak pulak with some pancaragam (don’t know what to call them actually), disambut pulak dengan kompang, pas tu dipersembahkan pulak dengan pencak silat dan tah apa-apa lagi tah.
Yadi ooiiii! Kau ingat nko artis? Hehehehe….
Pengantin berseri-seri tapi tak sempat nak merenjis & ambik gambar sesama. Too hot, too crowded and already 3.00 something masa pengantin duduk kat pelamin. We wished we could stay longer. Congratulations Yadi & Faz. Moga bahagia hingga ke anak cucu. Here are some photos I managed to snap dalam kejauhan, keributan dan kemeriahan majlis yang menceriakan seluruh Klang hari tu. Cewaaahh!
Ni masa pengantin sedang datang. Sesak banget!
Sapa nak ambik gambar, sila cari tempat untuk dipanjat. Tak koser Den.
Budak pancaragam tengah menahan kepanasan & kelaparan (barangkali)
Pencak silatPengantin dok tersengeh.
Nota Kakiku:
Bye bye 2008.
It has been a good year for me.
Welcome 2009.
Semoga bertambah kesejahteraan kita di tahun 2009.
See you guys next year!
aduiii...yeryer ni ha nak nengok gmabranyer tuptup cable camera tinggal plak..adoiyaiiii...2009 here we come..kgv wait for me..i still with you aku takkan lari dari kamooooooo..hahhahaha..:p
aku pernah bace xelok actually kemas umah waktu malam, salah satu factor jauh rezki, nanti aku forwardkan email tum just nak share jer la, aku pun kdg2 terkemas umah waktu malam gak sbb siang xdemase.
cepatla download gmbar si yadi kawin tu, aku dgr bkn main grand lagi.. memang perasan artis la budak tu.
hatg24 @
Dah masuk hostel nanti, bila masa la Iya nak update blog yek?
Wani @
Ni la first time aku dengar tak baik kemas rumah waktu malam. Forward la e-mail tu cepat. Really have to ask around more on this. Kau bayangkan kemas rumah waktu siang (on weekend je), parah la.
By the way, anyone else knows about this? Please share. Thanks.
Mak aii meriahnye kawin! Nasib baik takde asap kaler2 (mcm my fren kawin...tegezut member tengok belah pengantin laki siap ada letupan asap kaler2!!). Moga bahgia ke anak cucuss...
Err...bab kemas malam2 tu tak penah dengar plak but from pengalaman sendiri, penah satu malam mak ngemas sakan tingkat atas rumah, vacum family hall and semua bilik, siap mop bagai. Malam tu takleh tido (overstimulated kut... ingat budak je leh overstimulated?), esok tu bangun pagi muntah2 (confirm bukan buatan manusia hahaaha!)... Tak tau la sebab ngemas ke hapa tapi tobat taknak buat lagi dah!!
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