17 February 2011
08 February 2011
So, please choose wisely
01 February 2011
Pindah Rumah (Cerita Tahun Lepas)
Memula dalam entry ni aku ingat nak cerita serba sedikit pasal things that happened in year 2010. Simply because I think it is important for me to have some records somewhere. But there are some problems.
1) I can’t remember ALL the things that happened.
2) When I start to type a story, ia jadi terlalu panjang. Dasar longwinded. Pastu tu rasa cam tak lengkap kalau tak taruk gambar sekali. Tapi kalau taruk, lagi lah panjangggggg !
3) Terus aku jadi cam tak larat nak type any entry pun.
Sooooo….. I have decided just to select few things that happened in my life in year 2010 and write about it se-longwinded yang aku mahu, dalam entry yang berasingan. Meaning, instead of one entry I will have to have few. Let just hope the momentum tak lari after an entry.
(Sekarang, cuba kira, berapaa banyak perkataan ENTRY yang dah aku type?)
Kita mulakan dengan cerita PINDAH RUMAH
Rumah yang sepatutnya siap November 2009, cuma di beri kunci middle February 2010. Itu pun bila ramai buyer dah kecoh-kecoh kacau developer. Aku pun ikut join online community forum untuk carik geng kasik pressure kat developer. Bila dah dapat kunci, aku hantar surat demand for late delivery penalty. Walau they all cuba mengelak bayar dengan alasan-alasan yang tak berapa nak masuk akal sampai berbulan, aku tak kira. Demand jugak. Akhirnya setelah 6 bulan dapat gak around RM2000. Boleh lah kan daripada tak dapat apa-apa.
Berbalik pada cerita pindah rumah, lepas dapat kunci terus saja we looked for contractor to do some basic works for the house. Sambil-sambil developer rectify defects, we did the ceiling, grille, demolished the original counter top in kitchen, re-positioned pipes in the kitchen, install kitchen cabinet and curtain. No major renovation. Duit tak cukup. Ada aku cerita kat sini.
Acara membasuh rumah
Che Man’s and my family members came to help us. Nasib baik lah they all ni ada. Kalau tak, payah le kami hari tu. On the same day, MIL & SIL cooked and brought lunch after upacara doa selamat. Alhamdullillah. Tak payah aku masak.
Acara angkat barang masuk lori pun bermula....
Kena tunjuk lah barang yang bersepah-sepah. Baru real macam pindah rumah.
My sister made this. So yummy!
The next day, Che Man and I went back to the rented house to clean the house. Walaupun our landlord said tak perlulah basuh rumah, potong rumput bagai, tapi kami rasa tak syok tinggal kan begitu je. Dulu pun rumah kami juga. Ada sedikit sentimental di situ.
Membasuh rumah sewa dengan emosi & gaya sentimental
I enjoyed the unpacking and re arranging things at the new place for few days. Kebetulan sedang menghabiskan balance of last year annual leaves.
I thought things finally settled. But, one night after work, I realized the store room wall and floor were wet. There were rusty water marks on the wall. So we called the maintenance guy to check and they informed us about cracked roof and replaced them. After few days, we came back home and found the same thing happened again. Another maintenance guy came, checked and applied some kind of glue thingy on the roof. After few more days, the room flooded and this time was very bad and we kept calling the supervisor to follow-up on the matter. Finally after few complaints in the online community forum, few checks and repair jobs, the matter finally solved. Boleh solved pulak yek?
Water mark on the wall, from ceiling in our store room
Don’t have to worry about the house anymore, we thought. WRONG!
Aiman started behaving weirdly in the house. He said something about ‘takut’, ‘ hantu’, ‘ apa tu ibu?’, TV that switch on by itself, etc. It was really an experience for us. I wrote about it here and here.
Ini ceiling dalam master bedroom. Aiman claimed there was 'something' there.
"Aiman tatut......"
Aiman yang kejap-kejap tutup mata dengan tangan
Living and dining area (before we put up some paintings onto the wall)
Same old furniture.
View from dining area, towards kitchen
Doors leading to 2nd, 3rd bedrooms and to dry area.
Aiman's bedroom is yet to be completed. Will be 2011 project.
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