29 November 2007
19 November 2007
Che Man invited them to our house during last Syawal. They have 2 daughters and a son now. I am glad that this family stayed after everyone else left my house. We spent good one hour talking about our lives now.
The wife has stop working 2 years ago after gave birth to her son. The husband has been terminated from work about few months ago due to some crisis at work. They did not talk about how difficult life has been since the last few months – something I expect them to mention. They mentioned nothing like that. They are jovial couple. I forgot about how difficult life must be for them now when the husband cracked jokes after jokes.
We stayed outside of the house picking up some rubbish in the car porch when suddenly Che Man said “Kesian la. Tentu susah hidup dia orang skrang. Ye la... sampai ke tahap jual kereta”. That is exactly what I was thinking.
In the kitchen I was still thinking about them. How life can change drastically? How some people can still show happy faces when they are forced to change their lifestyles coz money is a big issue now?
It reminds me of myself – suka mengeluh about not having this & that, spend my precious time doing this budget & that budget (but never stick to it) and hate the fact that I HAVE to do budget at all, looking at other people’s nicer houses, cars, handbag, shoes, suits and at almost every better things they could afford and secretly envied them. Suka berangan that one day I’ll win something like more-jutaria contest and bring back RM1million in cash.
Then, I realized I was staring at a Tupperware filled with serunding and packets of nasi himpit that I forgot to give them.
17 November 2007
12 November 2007
Raya is sooooo... over!
02 November 2007
Still Raya What....
My problem is, I dunno how to summarize it. Those who read my blog regularly or know me personally will realize that I am such a long-winded woman! Yes..... I too realized that okay...? Let see.... may I start with:
The Eve of Raya (Aiyooo... ini pun citer ker?)
1st Day of Raya
2nd Day Raya
Aiman bukan main tido lagi...
3rd Day of Raya & the rest of the week
Heavy rain & flood that delayed our plan. This is jalan raya okeyyyy...
We had our lunch at 3.30pm. It was nice. Thanks to my sister & my dear mother who had to rush with lunch preparation. They never disappointed me in that department. It was sooooo good to be home.
Aiman dengan his MyKid
We went to visit my older brother at PESADA. Happy to see him, he was happy to see us. Happy to be able to celebrate raya with him, even in such situation. At least we know that he is healthier there.
Nephew, Nieces, Younger sisters and Aiman with my brother
My elder sister insisted that we shoot for family photo together before my younger sister go back to her place. It was too last minute’s notice, so you won’t see my parents and the other younger sister in this photo. Other than that, I tak ambik banyak gambar, coz I was shy to take out my camera and ask people to pose – susah la aku ni!
Mak, Abah, Adik takde dalam gambar. Isehman....!
We came back to Klang on Saturday evening.
Well, masih hari raya lagi. We did a small family gathering at my place last week, and this time I was totally forgotten about ambil gambar. Satu pun takder. Arghhhh!
I don’t think I can host an open house this raya season. Demam berpanjangan, Aiman asyik nak berdukung and and Che Man is busy with his work even on weekends. I might call few close friends for small dinner or tea and that will be in batches – rumah saya kecik! Since the raya month is almost over, maybe in the month of Zulkaedah?
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