28 December 2009
Uwek! Uwek!
14 December 2009
24 November 2009
My Out of Body Experience (OOBE) - Part 1: Was it a Dream?
These few days I keep thinking about what happened to me and to my dismay, I don’t remember much of these experiences anymore. Maybe because those happened too long time ago and I actually never re-visited the experiences verbally, mentally or physically – that’s why (maybe).
If I’m not mistaken, I was in Form 5 – early year.
It was during examination week.
I suddenly find myself in examination hall at school. It was quite dark but I can see tables arranged like they were prepared for exam.
I was alone, but I wasn’t scared at all. I immediately realized that I am in my dream. I went around the hall with the hope to find some exam papers. I don't know how, but I feel like that is the main reason I am at the examination hall. Maybe I can remember some questions. I found papers in one of the tables. I was confident the paper I was looking at is exam paper. I tried to read but I can’t. I felt like, I don’t know how to read. I don’t understand what is written on the papers.
I fell light. Very light. I looked down and found myself floating about 1 foot above the floor. "Wow! This is nice", I thought. I forgot about the exam papers and enjoy floating around. I danced away like I’m doing ice skating. I really enjoyed floating around the hall.
Suddenly my head feels heavy. In the dimmed light, I found myself in my bedroom. I can see my room furniture upside down and my vision blurry. Slowly my vision adjusted and became clearer. Furniture slowly placed at the correct angel. I struggled to move but I can’t. I don’t understand why I can’t move. I can’t even blink my eyes.
After I struggled for few minutes, I managed to move my hands, my legs and the whole body and they were heavy. I felt weird and really tired. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.
Till now I keep wondering, was it a dream?
It felt so real.
19 November 2009
Biadap Kau eh?
That’s facts. People talking about facts. Terkena lak batang hidung kau. Nasiblah. Boleh lak warning orang lain ‘Ape salahnya? Lelaki boleh kahwin empat. You just go back and take care of your husband lah!’ .
Umur kau berapa?
Umur perempuan yang kau suruh jaga husband dia tu berapa?
Somemore, she wasn’t talking to you.
She was just joking with
Perlu ke keluarkan statement biadap macam tu?
Terkena batang hidung?
Kau bebalik berangan.
Jantan tu sibuk merosak reputasi kau kat tempat kerja. Balik kerja kang, dia peluk dan cium his wife. While he is making passionate love to his wife, kau kat umah dok tengok ceiling, tenung cicak beromen.
Kesian kau.
Makhluk perosak!
17 November 2009
Timbang Pelsu & DVD Pelsu
I thought I am at 50kg. At least that is what my weighing scale tells me. But last week, I checked with a digital machine. You know.... the kind that can measure your height, weight, body mass, body fat, blood pressure, yada yada yada?
I am actually at FIFTY bloody TWO kilograms. 52.7kg to be exact!!!! Anytime can reach 53kg. *pengsan*
Went back home timbang kat rumah. Yeah... still 50kg. Sah! Timbang ni rosak. Apa-apa lah labu.
Let’s see these stats:
1) Weight : 52.7 kg *nangis*
2) Height : 162 cm *ooooo... baru ku tahu*
3) BMI : 20.1 (ideal 19 to 25) *ok, I guess*
4) Ideal Weight: 49 to 65 kg *Yeah right!!!*
5) Body Fat Index: 28.8% (ideal : 18 to 27%.) *Aiyoooo. Sudah terlebih 1.8%*
6) Mass Body Fat : 15.2 kg (ideal : 9.5 to 14.2 kg) *sudah terlebih 1 kg daaaa*
Nasib baik set objektif : ‘Mesti hilang 3 kg sebelum hujung tahun ini’
Bukan nya : ‘Mesti capai berat 47kg sebelum hujung tahun ni – nak mampus?’
Sekarang ni masih ambil breakfast macam biasa. Macam biasa mungkin bermaksud, sebungkus nasi lemak RM1 atau 3 biji karipap sardine yang lazat atau 4 keping biskut marrie atau Nescafe Kacip Fatimah & collagen sajer (in case tak sempat breakfast).
Dinner cuma the ever-boring capati or tauhu bakar or milo kosong with 2in1 Quaker oat. At times whenever I feel not satisfied, I’ll eat dua sudu nasi from Che Man’s plate.
Ada juga hari-harinya I aku agak terlebih. Misalnya minggu lepas aku buat kek batik untuk bawa ke majlis harijadi anak buah Che Man, ada balance kek yang masih cair, aku pulun beberapa sudu sambil menonton TV. Macam hari ni jugak, aku tak sempat pun nak lunch sebab boss tipu aku. Katanya dia nak sign check sikit je sebab nak cepat, tup-tup beribu-ribu lemon cheque yang dia sign. Memang le dia yang sign, tapi aku kena baca dan explain satu-satu untuk dia. Boleh plak dia take 10 tengah-tengah tu, pas tu sign balik. Sudahnya jam pun dah pukul 4.30ptg. Pukul 5 aku kebulur, terus turun deli, sebat 2 cheese breads. Jahanam diet aku.
I can feel the momentum has increased now (ceh wah). I can’t no longer eat big lunch now. Tak boleh masuk. I am no longer feeling hungry at night walau cuma hadap milo kosong dengan 2in1 Quaker oat for dinner. I don’t feel terliur looking at cakes anymore.
Breakfast – must reduce the portion. No more nasi lemak or mee goreng.
Lunch – have cut into half portion, but need to reduce another 30%.
Dinner – strictly no rice (okeh… mungkin sesudu from Che Man’s plate). Just capati, capati, capati, capati or 2in1 oat in milo kosong.
Exercise – must start. 20 sit-ups before I sleep and another 20 when I get up in the morning. I’ve tried this before and it works wonder I tell you. *Jangan cakap sajer Nomi*
Korang dah tengok 2012? (Eh… tetiba tukar topic). Tak pernah aku suh sesapa gi lah tengok cerita tu dan ini, but this time lain. PERGI LAH TENGOK oiiii! I made booking last week but unable to pay online. Manjang error je. Sudahnya aku terpaksa reserve dan seat pun tak cun. Niat hati tu cepat sikit sampai cinema so, boleh tukar seat. It was on Friday (I took annual leave) and there was a notice board that says…. 2012 TODAY SOLD OUT! Sold out on Friday afternoon? Anyway, managed to cut queue (sebab dah buat reservation); changed session and changed to couple seat terus. Berbaloi-baloi.
Must get the DVD pelsu soon.
02 November 2009
Weekend Intake
After I published my previous entry, I went out for dinner with Che Man. Since it was at mamak, I ordered my usual capati. This time around, instead of the tarik, I ordered milo kosong. Good kan? But then Che Man could not finish his maggi goreng and I ate the balance. Dah tinggal sesudu dua, baru insaf.
The next day worked for half day. Had lunch at one of the hotel outlets the usual lunch patners. How can I say no to nice halal bento? You tell me. Licin. Suddenly ex-GM came for visit and sat with us and somebody ordered superlious opera cake. Rasa 3 sudu gitu and had to say “Nescafe tarik satu ye dik…..” to the waitress. Tak best makan cake without a cup of hot & creamy coffee.
Yummy Bento
Went to visit a friend (who recently got baby girl *lambai Yadi*) in the afternoon. They served us cakes. What happened when you serve cake to hantu cake. Ok. I think you understand.
Balik kampung after that. My elder sister hosted a birthday party for her daughter. Nasi lemak you all……! Lengkap dengan sambal udang petai, ayam goreng berempah, kangkung rebus, telur rebus dan tah apa-apa lagi. There were cakes, pudding, kuih bakar, popiah goreng, carbonated drinks and so much more. Aku pegang pinggan and said “I’ll start diet tomorrow lah”, baca doa makan and eat and eat and eat sampai rasa dah takleh masuk baru berhenti.
The next day breakfast with nasi lemak lebih semalam yang masih sedap dan menawan. Tak lupa juga nasi campur for lunch and nasi goreng + ayam golek for dinner. There… my weekend was full of eating sessions.
This morning, ate 3 donut bersambal and keaw teow goreng for lunch (plus ayam goreng with lemon sauce). When I talk about food (or typing stories involving them), I develop the urge to eat, so I am munching kuih raya now!
So tonight baru boleh start proper diet. ;)
Nota ujung-ujung:
30 October 2009
Misi 3 Kilo
Anyway, before I got pregnant, I was at 45kg. Itu cerita 2 tahun 8 bulan yang lalu. The heaviest during my prime (prime in terms of body weight – shallow-minded? I know…) time was around 48kg. Let’s not talk about my school days coz tak pernah timbang. Maybe more than that lah.
After bersalin, I was at 60kg. Habis berpantang; 55kg. After 3 - 4 months working; 50kg. Maybe tak leh guna perkataan ‘was’ sebab aku masih lagi 50kg.
Sama ada takde perubahan lansung atau weighing scale tu rosak, the jarum is forever showing 50kg whenever aku timbang.
Aku tau, selain daripada hal berat badan, banyak benda lain yang lebih penting dalam dunia ni aku patut risaukan, tapi tak tau kenapa this extra 5kg mengusutkan kepala aku selalu.
At some point I was in denial sampaikan baju dulu-dulu masih aku letak dalam almari. Che Man complained yang almari tu dah tak muat nak sumbat baju dah.
Satu malam tu, salah satu papan pembahagi dalam almari tu runtuh.
Che Man kena betul kan. Dia kuarkan hampir kesemua baju-baju dalam almari tu. I had no choice but to sort those bajus again. Aku rasa sedih but I see no point of keeping my ‘S’ sized blouses, shirts & t-shirts anymore. (Tapi jeans Levi’s kena simpan la).
Dulu aku simpan baju-baju 'yang dah kecik' tu dalam almari kot-kot nanti dah kurus boleh pakai balik. Baju baru pun aku tak beli banyak, sanggup aku pakai baju kurung je ke tempat kerja sampai kena label ‘Nomi-the-underdressed assistant’ dgn kekawan. Okeh. Yang pakai baju kurung ke tempat kerja jangan marah aku dulu. Bukan salah pakai baju kurung je, but I was not like that. I used to wear fashion-fashion opis wear dulu. So, perubahan itu tersangatlah drastic di mata kekawan aku.
Anyway, setelah aku pikir-pikirkan baju saiz M pun padat, lebih baik aku realistic. I’ve started to make new purchases on office cloths and friends give good feedbacks on my so-called positive changes. They say I look younger with office blouses and shirts rather than in my baggy baju kurungs. Walau belum banyak lagi (due to budget constraint), but I am going towards that direction.
Anyway… that does not mean I don’t want to loose weight. I think, I’ll do better in my mission (eh ceh… mission pulak!) IF I MAKE IT PUBLIC!
So….there you go people….. I would like to announce that :
Sekarang sebab dah bagitau kat korang, nak taknak, kena buat jugak. Padan muka aku!
12 October 2009
Eid 2009
Aidilfitri tahun ni, first day kat Shah Alam - rumah MIL. Lepas zuhur, ke Melaka - Kampung MIL. Beraya kat rumah sedara mara belah MIL kat Melaka, lepak satu malam, balik Nilai. Yang lain-lain berangkat ke destinasi masing-masing lepas beraya kat kampung aku, Che Man and I tinggal di Nilai sampai hujung minggu tu. Pastu kerja hari Sabtu, balik Nilai, kerja balik hari Isnin.
Cerita raya pun dah tak berapa nak ingat, jadi aku upload gambar saja untuk kenang-kenangan di hari tua.
Pagi raya pertama at MIL's in Shah Alam.
Habis semua color baju raya tengelam jadi kuning
dek lampu rumah MIL. Ingat nak snap sekali lagi
kat luar rumah, tapi terlupa lak.
(Nasib baik kelapa tu tak jatuh atas kepala)
05 October 2009
Aku tak buat open house tahun ni. Tapi... sesapa nak ziarah, datang je lah. Bagitau dulu, nanti aku goreng kan mee (sajer).
"Jap aa... saya cuma nak cakap :
Ibu saya malas nak ber-open house.
Takut nanti saya terlebih duit raya"
26 September 2009
Moralnya Di Sini
Dah seminggu raya.
Patut la badan rasa 2 kg lebih berat, dagu berlapis, pipi pun rasa berat. Serius.
Semua orang pun sibuk nak bercerita pasal raya lepas ni. Aku akan juga. Tapi minggu depan gamaknya. Takda mood. Masuk hari ni, dah seminggu aku sakit kepala. Walau tak heavy, tapi sentiasa ada. Rimas betul lah.
Dah start kerja hari ni. Setengah hari, Che Man kerja full day. Aiman masih tinggal kat Nilai dengn atuk, uwa dan mak su dia. Nenek Shah Alam dia tak habis raya kat kedah lagi. Risau jugak aku ni sebab dia dah start demam malam tadi. Kalau Che Man dapat kerja half day hari ni, balik kang oleh bawa dia gi Klinik. Aku pun kena check jugak ni, naper sampai seminggu sakit kepala macam ni. Muak dah makan panadol.
Aku ingat tak best kena kerja balik lepas seminggu-tak-ingat-opis. Tapi ok pulak rasanya. Rindu dekat rutin pejabat. Agaknya memang aku dasar suka pada rutin. Dah memang sah aku pompuan yang memboringkan.
Tadi terserempak dengan kawan kerja aku yang sorang tu. Tetiba aku rasa semacam. Hairan gak aku dengan perasan aku tu. Oh! baru aku teringat. Beberapa hari sebelum raya, aku ada terempak dengan husband dia dengan sorang perempuan. Husband dia ni tak kenal aku, tapi aku cam muka dia sebab boleh katakan hari-hari aku nampak dia hantar & ambik wife dia kat tempat kerja. Selamba badak je husband dia bercerita dengan kawan dia (depan aku) yang perempuan dengan dia tu 2nd wife dia.
Aku tau kawan aku sorang ni dah pun disuruh dek husband balik ke kampung dengan anak-anak beberapa hari awal sebelum raya. Alasan nya, dia akan balik malam raya sebab dia kena kerja sampai petang raya tu. %.U.N.@.E.K la woi! Kerja opis gomen cam kau, pehal kena kerja hari sabtu sampai petang raya? Rerupanya nak bersoping-soping ngan bini muda.
Kesian kawan aku tu tak tau pun. Naper la perempuan baik macam dia kena tipu juga dek laki yang bajet jujur, setia and loving tu?
1) Kenali lah rakan-rakan suami / isteri anda.
2) Kalau nak bercerita hal sensitip, pilih lah tempat. Bukan di kedai gambar komplek PKNS.
3) Pulang lah beraya ke kampung bersama-sama suami atau isteri anda. Toksah ngarut balik awal dan sebagainya.
4) Ketahui lah dengan jelas nature of job suami / isteri anda.
5) Kalau dah kahwin lagi satu tu, berterus-teranglah dengan isteri tua anda. Maka tidak lah isteri muda anda melopong, tidak mendapat giliran beraya dengan anda. Ada laki pun, macam takde.
6) Kalau anda dah tau suami anda dah berkahwin lagi satu, jangan bagitau dia yang anda dah tau. Nanti dia siap buat jadual giliran pulak.
Anda mampu mengubahnya! (ye ke?)
14 September 2009
Nak bagi Diskaun ni... Meh Datang Copek!
04 September 2009
Semangat Jiran 1 Malaysia
Kakak : Rumah Nomi ada orang ke?
Aku : Takde lah. Naper kak?
Kakak : Pintu rumah terbukak lah. Baik Nomi balik cepat!
Adoi la…… Tak kan sekali lagi kena masuk pencuri kot? Terbayang-bayang apakah barang-barang yang bakal dirembat kali ni serta keadaan rumah yang akan disepah-sepahkan.
I was in the midst of preparing urgent paper for my boss and had no car to go home. I quickly dialled Che Man’s hp. No answer. I called his office (never called his office before) and his officemate said “Dia dah pergi sembahyang Jumaat”.
No choice. I sent him sms “Jiran kata pintu rumah kita terbuka. Pls check”.
Then I called the Kakak (not sure of her name). I told her that I had no car to go home immediately and Che Man kat Masjid. I asked her whether she can help to see from outside of the house - at least. To see if there is any movement, activity, house condition, etc.
After 10 minutes she called again. From this Kakak story, I summarized:
The Malay kakak together with our Indian auntie neighbor and my next door Chinese auntie neighbor, berbekalkan semangat 1 Malaysia bergegas ke rumah aku. Sambil sorang satu memegang payung, mana tau boleh guna sebagai alat mempertahankan diri. Upon seeing that the gate was locked, they climbed the concrete fence. (Macam mana 3 aunties panjat pagar tu… I can’t imagine). When they reached at the door, they saw our house keys tersangkut kat situ!
They went inside anyway and saw the house was still in order (lebih kurang la). Takde tanda kena burglarize pun. The fan at living room was still running, the car porch light lighted. All of them later agreed to a same conclusion - the house owner telah terlupa mengunci pintu rumah sebelum berambus ke tempat kerja!
Oh… so kesian they all had to climb the concrete fence (agak tinggi ooo..), dengan jantung dub dab dub dap. Nasib baik takde yang kena heart attack.
Belum lagi hantar food ke rumah-rumah mereka sebagai tanda terima kasih.
21 August 2009
Nak Minta Maap Ni
17 July 2009
Award for Blog

Nomee : PPP friend. Bleh tahan kelakar entry-entry dia.
These are the rules set that I copy paste from Amy’s blog.
5) Dia nangis masa dapat tau tak fly dulu….. hahahahaha (who didn’t ?)

Orang dah kaler rambut blonde dahhh! Waaaaa....!
2) Aku tak suka minum plain water. Plain water buat tekak aku loya. But lately, I force myself to drink plain water. Coffee memang tak pernah tolak.
3) I did my major in Marketing. But I hate to do marketing-related stuffs especially meeting people. Aku sebenarnay pemalu. So tak sesuai lah.

4) I used to love exercising, hiking and camping. I miss camping, but so lazy to exercise what more hiking. Tak hairan lah ukuran lilit makin bertambah.

6) I’m afraid of open water. When I was very young, my scariest dreams were dreams that involved open water like sungai, banjir, laut, tasik, etc. Bangun tido siap nangis lagi ;))).
7) I can’t swim. I think it has something to do with fact no. 6. A friend *lambai kat Hire!* once tried to teach me when we went camping in empangan Semenyih. Failed. Sorry dude!
(Unrelated fact: Sekarang empangan semenyih dah berpagar. Takleh masuk dah).
8) I never perm or color my hair. Dari dulu sampai sekarang, Cuma panjang pendek saja bezanya. People say I have boring hair style. Lantak ah.
9) I am very forgetful or rather have short memory. This irritates the hell out of me. It makes me like a dungu sometimes.
10) I used to have this out-of-body experience (OOBE) .It started with my wish of wanting to have special power. It was very weird. It started when I was in Form 5 and lasted till I was in first year in PPP. Memula beberapa bulan sekali, makin lama makin kronik sampaikan beberapa kali sehari. I thought I was crazy. My friend thought I was scary (I told one of my friends that I saw him minum arak during me terbang-terbang at nite. I described the place. He felt off the chair and run out of the class. He believes in all my stories ever since). When I was in PPP I started to search for the answer. I even had a session with a psychology professor (Dr. Menon ke nama dia? Tak ingat). The more I know, the less frequent it happened. It has stopped now. I don’t want it to happen again. This always reminds me to be careful of what I wish for. I don’t wish to have special power anymore. I want to be normal. Maybe I blog about it one day huh?
(Read this one also eh...)
10 most deserving recipients and describe them:
1) Maya – A tough lady. Tahu la serba sedikit sejarahnya. Alhamdullillah, nampaknya dia sangat berbahagia sekarang.
6) Nadiah – She is my 13-year old niece. Berfikiran matang. I am proud of you dear.
7) Kay – I like the way she writes. She has this skill of summarizing many stories in one entry and still very interesting to read. Skill yang tu aku tarak.
8) Aishah – We communicate more now through blogging. Kat PPP dulu tak banyak pulak communication. Very lady-like and down-to-earth lady.
9) Konot – Konot sempoi. Kenal kat PPP jugak. Macam Aishah, baru sekaraang Konot & I ‘talk’ more. Seronok baca blog dia yang sangat ‘hidup’.
10) Diana – I do not know her personally. Tapi aku nasihatkan korang baca blog dia. Pi la baca. Tunggu apa lagi?
Thank you for the award, Amy. Love you… muah!
13 July 2009
Car Seat A.iman
So bila Pn. Coklat nak jual car seat si comel Afif, aku e-mail blog entry kat Che Man. Dapat green light terus contact Coklat.
Logistik was a bit problem at first. Timing tak berapa kena. Aku suh Che Man je jumpa dia orang, tapi laki aku ni penyegan (iyooo lah!). Last-last Cok & Yeop drove to Shah Alam tunggu depan opis aku. Alahai… kena pulak datang dari jauh. Tapi takpe kan Cok, at least leh le jejalan kat Shah Alam hujung minggu sambil buat customer service… lalalalala
Hantar message guna telepati power malam tu.
Maka baju sama keler!
Dah jumpa blogger tersohor cam Cok, kena la ambik gambar kan? Genit je rupanya si Cok ni. Afif pun ada, tapi budak bertuah ni pemalu. Yeop pun ada. Cok… laki kau tak photogenik…. Dia lebih enchem in real life la… * lariksssssssss*
Ok.. ok..datang balik…. Sebab citer belum habis lagi.
I love the car seat. Aiman pun excited. Warna nya sangat sesuai dengan kusyen aku yang kelabu
Ipar aku tanya : “Elok sangat lagi conditionnya. Naper tak disimpan untuk anak-anak yang akan datang ?”. Tu kakak ipar aku tanya okey….. bukan aku. Sumpah.
Balik kampung Che Man kuarkan sebab nak adjust. Adik aku tetiba cakap “Kusi baru ke?”Aku jawab la second hand. Baru beli tadi. Pastu dia cakap “Macam car seat yang Pn. Coklat nak jual tu !" ------> Adik aku pun baca blog kau rupanya.
Kannnn….. aku dah cakappppppp. Kau memang blogger tersohor Coklat. Betuah Yeop - tetiba!
06 July 2009
Moga ada Hikmah
There was supposed to be a discussion to sort those problems – if not to solve them.
But some people refused to discuss – they are beyond that stage.
The failed discussion leads to arguments – ugly ones.
Arguments built tension – became more intense as hours passed.
Tension created eruption – rarely seen.
There were people scolding, shouting, pushing and punching.
There were knifes.
There were policemen.
There were people crying.
There were neighbours looking.
At the end
A father disowned his only son.
A mother’s heart broke into million pieces.
A daughter hoping for ‘hikmah’.
It was a terrible weekend.
How was yours?
26 June 2009
Padan Muko Den
Padan muko den. Sari sobolum tu den poso. Takdo la minum na air do. Peh tu malam minum 2 cawan kupi, 1 cawan air putih (nak minum ubek nyor pasal). Sahur pagi sok tu 2 cawan teh-O.
Padan muko den.
Yo la. Boto dah tu apo korang cakap kat FB. Den pun minum barli and jus cranberry. Sok eh kurang sakit, tapi totap ado slight discomfort.
Den poie jumpo doctor.
Antibiotik, takpo. Ubek laweh koncing pun den tolan yo (uuuu mang aiiii! Ghaso eh bapak la tak sodap). Tapi yang payah na ni, bilo tuan doctor cakap:
“You know the 1.5-liter-bottled water? You have to drink 4 bottles, for few days…”
Kekawan yang budiman. Sekarang sudah pukul 1.00 potang. Air mineral 500 ml tu sotongah pun lum habeh.
Habeh camno?
* Tak dapek la den poso 3 hari ni.
19 June 2009
No. 77, J.alan M.ak Y.ong
When we reached the gate, I saw No. 65 at the gate.
I quickly told Che Man it’s a wrong house. Ours should be no. 77. Che Man cakap 77 tu nombor lot, bukan nombor rumah. Dah betul lah rumah tu.. bla….bla….bla…bla. Aku setuju je la. Tak baik lawan cakap laki.
Aku sebenarnya sikit kecewa la kan. Aku suka benar dengan nombor tujuh. Apa lagi kalau di-double-kan. Takde rezeki nampaknya.
We spent quite sometimes there with 2 apeks from renovation company who happened to be around the area when we just arrived. Let’s call them renovation-apeks from now on. We entered the house through unlock kitchen door. The house is actually 99% completed. Alhamdulillah. According to the renovation-apeks, during their last check with developer, we all boleh dapat kunci in August instead of December this year. Wahhh.. excited kita orang. Terus confirm buat grill dengan renovation-apeks tu. Tanya costing if we want to do this & that. Simply la. Bukan nak buat sangat pun, sajer buang masa renovation-apeks tu.
Aku ambil kesempatan snap-snap gambar bagai.
Pas tu I saw 2 cars comings. Oh, jiran sebelah rupanya. Since their house is locked, they asked permission to enter ours. Terjadilah sesi berkenalan dengan jiran. Kunci lum dapat, tapi dah kenal jiran – a young Malay couple with a baby. They all pun confirm nak buat grill dengan renovation-apeks tu. Tengah dok pusing-pusing dalam rumah, ada satu mamat (mungkin mamat Mynmar) datang. Marah nampaknya pasal kita masuk dalam rumah. We all explained that the door was unlock. Ignored him for while then chow. Bengang giler mamat tu.
After few days, I still kept thinking about no. 77. So I took out my file and looked for the area plan and offer letter.
Jeng !
Dah siap masuk rumah, complained sana sini, ambik gambar bagai nak rak, plan dengan renovation-apeks, berkenalan dengan jiran, kena marah dengan budak Mynamar – rerupanya kita orang salah rumah!
17 June 2009
Selasa Aku Yang Semalam
Jadi, malam tadi takde pengecualian.
Tapi Aiman pulak buat hal. Bising-bising dia suh tukar channel. Sib baik sempat aku sorok-kan remote TV. Aku pujuk-pujuk dia untuk lupakan hasrat tu, sambil ajar dia lipat kain. Sebab aku acuh tak acuh je ajar dia (sibuk tengok TV lebihnya), dia pun start sarungkan baju-baju ke badan dia, betul-betul depan aku, menghalang TV.
"Tepi la Aiman…! Ibu nak tengok TV ni!” Aku tolak-tolak dia ketepi.
Sudahnya dia sungkupkan kepala aku dengan kain. Arghhhh ! Bertuah punya budak! Che Man pulak tolong gelak jer.
Pastu dia buat hal lagi. “Nak cucuuuuuu. Nak cucuuuu……”.
Aku minta tolong Che Man “Bang, tolong buat susu”.
Che Man bangun gi dapur. Aiman kejar dan tarik tangan dia.
“Naknak! Nanak ayah! Nak Ibu…… wat cucu…”
Che Man datang balik. Tak jadi buat susu. Aiman tarik tarik tangan aku. Tak dulik dia aku cakap “Jap jap aaaaa. Tunggu iklan”. Aiman terjerit-jerit. Aku buat tak tau jer.
Tiba-tiba dia berlari kedapur dan datang balik sambil bawak botol susu kosong. Dia letak botol atas lantai dekat aku. “Ni….ni… cucu… cucu….” Pastu lari ke dapur balik. Kali ni datang sambil peluk tin susu pulak. “Cucu…. Cucu la….” Letak dekat aku juga. Lari ke dapur lagi. Kali ni datang balik dengan tin biskut Jacob’s. Letak sesama ngan botol susu dan tin susu. Sambil tu mulut membebel-bebel. "Nak cucuuuu….. nak cucu….. nak cucu laaa..... ni la… ni la.. cucu la…".
Kali ni Che Man punya turn mengamuk dengan aku. Terus capai botol & susu, pi dapur nak buat susu.
Desperate housewives belum iklan lagi.
Tapi gegak-gempita kat dapur menyakit telinga. Kat dapur, Aiman dah bergayut kat kaki Che Man - tak bagi dia buat susu. Aku pun ambil alih.
Dah sumbat susu, aman sekejap.
Desperate Housewives belum habis lagi.
Che Man gi mandi. Aiman mana tah. Aku masih melopong tengok TV. Tiba-tiba aku dengar benda jatuh. Aiman terlolong. Panik. Aku lari cari dia. Kat dapur takde, masuk stor takde. Rerupanya kat dalam bilik. Table fan, dia dan bangku tempat letak table fan semuanya tergolek. Melolong-lolong si Aiman (mamat ni drama memang kuat!)
Aku angkat dia letak atas katil. Checked kepala, kaki, tangan, badan. Nasib baik semuanya ok. “Apa jadi? Aiman buat apa tadi?”
Dia bangun pergi kat table fan dan angkat fan tu sambil cakap “Camni la… camni la….. ".- dia buat demo incident tadi. Ohhh.. paham. Aku pernah nampak dia angkat table fan dari atas bangku, letak kat lantai, pastu heret bangku tadi letak kat depan dressing table and panjat. Objektif dia untuk ‘mengemas’ dressing table aku.
Tetiba aku rasa macam geli hati pulak.
Turn aku pulak tergolek atas katil gelak sorang-sorang. Teringat dia protes channel TV tadi, Macam mana dia menyarung baju tak tentu hala depan aku untuk alih perhatian aku daripada TV, pasal kesanggupan dia menyungkup kepala aku dengan kain bila aku tolak dia ketepi supaya aku boleh tengok TV, pastu sungguh-sungguh sediakan bahan buat susu dia depan aku dan gaya dia tergolek, terkial-kial cuba bangun kat dalam bilik tadi.
Adoi la…. Dah lama tak gelak camtu.
Selain daripada Desperate Housewives, Selasa aku yang semalam memang menghiburkan.
10 June 2009
Terpaksa Rela
Tapi hujung minggu yang lepas terpaksa dikecualikan pasal menghantar sepupu yang bernikah di Penang. Alhamdullillah, lepas satu hal.
Walaupun tak drive sekilometer pun, penatnya, mak aiiiii!
Esoknya lepas beberapa jam sampai rumah, mak tersayang announced :
01 June 2009
Buah Hati Pengarang Jantung
Scene 1:
I went to visit a friend.
Scene 2:
Aiman was eating in his nenek’s kitchen when he spotted
Scene 3:
I had severe headache and rested on my bed.
He came and asked “Ibu takit maner?”
I touched my forehead.
He rubbed my forehead, kissed it and said “Dah?”.
On his way back to the hall, I heard him reported to Che Man,
He didn’t answer.
From my room, I can see Aiman finally came to Che Man sambil cekak pinggang,
*He came to me and rubbed my forehead anyway*
During his 2nd birthday party - March 2009
2nd day with Chicken Pox - March 2009
28 May 2009
Ingatan Tergelincir
Case 1:
I was at my friend’s house with few friends and their children. I asked one of the fathers, “Anak kau dah berapa bulan dah?” Dia jawab “4 bulan”. Then I saw him walked to his wife and gave the baby to his wife for nenen.
About 10 seconds after that, I was shocked to see that his baby is no longer with him and asked him *muka cuak* “Anak kau mana?”. Member tu pandang aku dengan muka confuse. I look around and saw his baby with his wife. Baru aku teringat. Then I asked him “Anak kau dah setahun dah?”.
Case 2:
I wanted to take bath. I walked to my towel hanger and abruptly stooped: I asked myself “Mana satu towel aku ni?” I really can't remember which one. I grabbed one and go mandi. After finished, I was surprised to see Che Man’s towel on the towel rack (in the bathroom). “Camna boleh ada kat sini?”
Case 3:
My boss asked for lunch / coffee / hot milk. After half an hour, he came and said “Maybe Coffee house is busy….”. Lepas dia masuk office dia balik, I quickly dialed coffee house and place the order - which was supposed to be done half and hour ago.
Case 4:
Che Man called in the evening and said “turun……” (maksudnya dia dah nak sampai). Aku pun habiskan baca blog yang sesapa aku tengah baca. Pas tu lompat blog lain, dan lain, dan lain. Pas tu Che Man akan call lagi. Itu tandanya dia dah tunggu setengah jam.
Antara kes-kes yang lain:
I washed my face then I brushed my teeth. After that, I had tough time to recall whether or not I’ve washed my face. I ended up wash my face twice.
Beria-ia aku cerita kejadian lucu kat Izan, dia pun ketawa beria-ia. Pastu dia kata “Dah… kak Nomi dah citer dah pagi tadi / semalam / hari tu”. Sumpah aku tak ingat. Kejadian macam ni berlaku terlalu banyak kali.
(Sekarang, sebelum aku start citer / buat awak. I’ll tell her, “You probably have heard this from me…….” *and tell the story anyway*. Just to cover myself.
Kes tertinggal barang, tak usah nak cakap lah.
There were many times I swore to Che Man that I’ve never seen barang / bills / letters / vouchers that he gave me last week. Dah jumpa baru ingat.
My boss walking towards me and put a bunch of keys on my table. I recognize those are my office keys. Dunno where he found them. Happened many times.
I have the ‘budget 2009/2010’ book in my tray for quite sometimes now. I only will put it in my try coz there is something my boss asked me to do. But till now I can’t remember what am I supposed to do with it. (Pagi tadi, diam-diam I put the book back on his table. Did nothing with it).
Recently, I teased a chef on his ‘new’ spectacles. He said “sudah pakai lama lah..” and the rest of the group laughed at me. This is one Chef I see several times a day.
A staff asked me my boss’s age. I went blank. I quickly flip through my diary and ask her “Dia lahir bulan berapa yek?”. Pastu kena marah, “Siapa PA dia ni?”. I work for him for 8 years.
That’s why I write many things in my notes book / diary. The problem is, I always forget to refer to it.
My friend suggested me to take supplement. I bought two bottles of Gingko Biloba. The problem is, I always forget to take it.
There are many other cases but I can’t remember anymore.
21 May 2009
B is Here!
In my experience of more than 8 year with this company, I can say this was the most complicated, the least in total sum and complete with series of dramas before it finally released. No wonder it was also the most delayed payout – mid of May, for goodness sake!
But B is a B. It is always welcome – kochik tapak tangan, Dewan Perdana den tadah án!
It may be the smallest amount so far, but I say Alhamdullillah. With last year’s performance (both by the company & my own performance), add with current market situation, I know that my boss have tried his very best to ‘save’ everyone.
*quickly sms him to say thank you*
*ok - done*
Some percentage will go to credit card. Since I knew earlier about the payout, I ter-over spent during the J-card member sales last week. I blame Che Man coz he took me for movie at Bukit Tinggi during J-card member sales day! But I’ve promised myself to settle all amounts on credit card every month, so there……
The rest will be saved for house fund.
Life is tough huh?
19 May 2009
Buat apa weekend tu hari?
So last weekend, I tried my very best not to go out. Not so successful, coz on Saturday early morning, I had to drive to groceries shop. I usually do that on Friday night after work, but we were out for dinner with Che Man’s family last Friday. On Saturday Che Man had to work, so I decided to go out early, buy groceries and breakfast so we can have breakfast together at home. I had to make sure I have what ever things I need to cook this weekend ready before Che Man go to work.
Half way through cooking my ayam masak lomak cili api, I realized that I didn’t have asam keping. So I called Che Man to buy some on his way back for lunch. When he came back, I reheated the gulai and threw in the asam keping. As I was opening a small container to put my balance of asam keping, thereeee…. I saw not one, but two packets of asam keping! Nampak sangat lama tak masak, sampai lupa kat mana letak asam keping ;) But I didn’t tell Che Man lah.
Spent the rest of Saturday afternoon doing laundry, cleaning and wiping. Sempat juga bergaduh dengan Aiman. Kuat buat sepah budak ni. He poured quarter bottle of honey on the floor, whole pack of ikan bilis into my stove, tabur bedak on my dressing table, keluarkan some pinggan mangkuk dari dalam almari. He also took out coins from tabung KFC and put them into his aeroplane dan kemudian ketuk-ketuk benda alah tu kat dinding sambil mengamuk coz he could not get those coins out. Kenapa lah wahai anak kau tak reti duduk diam tengok TV? Nasib baik petang tu dia tido sekejap. Kalau tak, meroyan aku.
After dinner Che Man asked me to follow him to send his brother in-law to KLIA but I refused. Sending one person to KLIA with two cars is just not productive. Che Man brought Aiman with him.
I thought I can just sit watching TV but it didn’t happen. I started with cleaning the house & sorting things out, and then took long shower. At 1a.m Che Man masih belum balik, aku siang ikan, ayam & sotong, malah siap tumbuk bawang bagai. Semangat nak masak untuk besok datang awal la pulak. I told myself many times that I should just take this opportunity to lepak, enjoy my tea, read a book, watch DVD or something relaxing, but I just can’t stop.
Che Man & Aiman only reached house after 1.30am. At first I was worried. We didn’t expect Che Man will come back so late. How la Aiman wants to sleep in the car when Che Man didn’t bring his car seat? When they reached home, Aiman was happily sat at the back seat holding a pack of junk food and refused to come out of the car. Budak bertuah. Tak tido lagi rupanya dia.
“Aiman gi mana tadi sayang?”
“Nenok ayah-pin” (tengok aeroplane)
I spent Sunday cooking & cleaning some more. Bila Aiman tido petang, I spent time with Che Man watched DVDs and read weekend papers. Didn’t manage to finish a movie. Get-up and prepared dinner pulak. Sungguh aman damai kat dapur tanpa si kecik terjerit-jerit mahukan perhatian. In the evening, we decided to bring Aiman to playground nearby. There, I realized that I was actually really tired – or maybe rasa macam nak demam. I just sat there looking at Aiman & Che Man playing around. Aku tak larat angkat my fat ass and join them. I saw this one guy with his two children. His children spoke in English but he talked to them in Malay (I think he wanted to ‘communicate’ with me kot. Obvious ok).
He constantly ‘scolded’ his children “Cepat! Cepat! Bergayut pada palang. Gerak. Pemalas. Cakap banyak. Budak-budak sekarang tengok TV 24 jam. Takde keluar peluh. Itu pun tak boleh buat. Cakap sajer banyak. Makan 3 kali sehari, exercise malas!”
Fuh… semangat tuh.
Puas hati. All laundry baskets are empty, cloths are folded, sorted and hanged properly, the floors from front to back including in all rooms are shining, dua-dua bilik air bersinar & harum (over kau ni Nomi), took out 3 garbage bags, fridge is clean, furniture’s wiped, I cooked for every meals for two days, washed my hair nicely, scrubbed the whole body and pampered myself with very thick perfumed lotion, read book, newspapers, watched TV & DVDs and kena sakat dengan Aiman.
Errr…. Takde pulak aku ambik gambar.
15 May 2009
Takda Update
27 April 2009
Competition & I
Pado akak, sapo-sapo nak compete, bleh pi compete, tapi akak kalau buleh memang tak nak join apo-apo competition pun. Akak tak suko pressure dan yang paling ponting, akak
Masalah eh, kek company akak kojo ni, suka na buek competition. Baik competition mencipto tag line, cipto logo, cipto t-shirt design, cipto nama function room baru, pertandingan koborsihan, competition jua voucher, competition kurangkan borat badan dan macam-macam laie. Malah competition sapo-tangkap-lipeh-paling-banyak-dio lah terer pun ponah gak buek.
Tu bolum laie competition tahunan ala-ala explorace sobolum annual dinner, pertandingan buek kek, game-game sukan dan pertandingan semasa acaro annual dinner. (Ni nanti akak kono buek entry lain. Tungguuuu).
Sobab akak ponyogan, kalau open competition memang akak buek dekkkk je. Lantak dek kau la. Akak tukang tengok, tukang golak an jo. Tapi kekadang tu ado gak competition yang certain-certain staffs wajib masok. Ni yang akak lomah ni. Main pakso-pakso la pulak. Nak tak nak kono join gak la kan. Kalau tak nak join, kono baya RM50 lak tu.
Iyooo… botooooo…..akak tak tipu do. Sapo maleh take part, kono ‘derma’ RM50 untuk staff fund.
Bebaru ni akak submitted satu essay. Dah namo eh essay writing competition. Kono lah akak anta sebijik essay untuk tajuk yang management bagi. Cam maleh memulo tu. Tapi memandang an dongan RM50 akak leh boli 8
Nak jadik cito, maso management meeting lopeh, tah mato kero mano yang baco, essay akak shortlisted la pulak. Bekecupeh akak kono buek ulasan essay dalam meeting tu. Tah apo la akak ghapek an pun akak tak tau. Balun jo. Ada la dalam 4 orang shortlisted. Peh tu, memasing kono pandang ngadap dinding sobab yang 40 orang yang lain kono undi dongan mengangkek tangan. Yo lah… takkan nak undi cagho sms lak kan? Maun sumo pakat hp takdo credit nanti. Sikt la orang yang AFundi Nomee.
Akak dapat tompek ke-duo…… dapek la cash sikit tongah-tongah bulan ni. Peh tu ghamai lak yang mintak belanjo. Paloyah korang aaaa…. Korang mano tau akak tosongguk-songguk dopan laptop malam tu nak nyudah an essay tu ? Ayat adalah sedikit belagak.
Buleh la simpan buek boli beberapa bijik lampu I.kea untuk umah baru nanti. Alhamdulillah.
Baghu tadi lopeh satu meeting, ada announcement pasal 5S competition. Punya la ghisau hati akak. Nasib baik group akak dapek 4 markah lobeh daripada sebolum ni. Walau kedudukan group akak agak jauh kebelakang, tapi markah totap tinggi daripado sobolum ni. Akak bukan apo. Kok kono yang paling last, akak sebagai ketua kumpulan tercorot kono panggey kek dopan meeting room, ambik piala tikus nko……. Mati lah akak kemalu-an. Result surprise lak tu. Mano nak lotak muko? Bawah kusi? Jobo pulak Cik Ti kalau dapek tau nanti.
Sekarang tongah pikir camno nak ngelak this one competition. This competition is still in discussion. It should be the biggest competition in the hotel this year. Lobeh kurang few groups kono create satu product, peh tu create own marketing strategy. Bottom line, sapo jua dan dapek untung paling banyak, kumpulan dio monang. Ala-ala apprentice gitu.
Korang doa lah supayo nama akak tak tersonarai. Kok adiah eh sorang sebijik keto pun, akak totap tak ndak. Timo kasih yo lah.
Buek = buat
Jua = jual
Laie = lagi
Ponah = pernah
Kono = kena
Ponyogan = pemalas
Iyo = Iye (yes)
Boto = Betul
Bosongkang = bersengkang
Lopeh = lepas
Berkecupeh = aski kelam kabut
Ghapek = merepek
Cagho = cara
Maun = mau (mahu)
Tompek = tempat
Dapek = dapat
Ghamai = ramai
Paloyah = kepala ayah (kepala otak)
Tosongguk = tersengguk (gaya kepala ketika menahan ngantuk)
Nyudah = sudah
Ghisau = risau
Panggey = panggil
Tontu = tentu
Adiah = hadiah
Keto = kereta
Jobo = berlagak / eksyen
22 April 2009
Simple Weekend
There were so many past weekends that we spent visited people in hospital, kenduri-kendara, balik kampung, etc. We were never home. Habuk dalam rumah pun dah bertingkat-tingkat, rumput pun tebal, fridge empty, pintu feezer takleh nak buka coz ice sungguh tebal, dapur pun tak berasap – things like that.
But last weekend, we spent time with just the three of us. Even though, it was a little bit spoiled coz I had to spend half day at work, but I managed to sort and clear many papers from my table. Since I had the car all for my self that afternoon, I took the opportunity to finally go and cut my hair. Dah berzaman okeyyy tak potong rambut. Niat hati nak potong rambut saja, tapi bila tengok tukang cuci rambut tu dok urut-urut bahu masa cuci rambut orang sebelah, tarusss……
“… cuci sekali dik ye….”. heaven.
Ingat nak ambik Aiman pastu gi groceries shopping, balik rumah dan prepare minum petang. Tapi Aiman was sleeping when I arrived at MIL’s. Kena tunggu until about 4 something baru boleh balik. Aiman hates to sit in his car seat. All the way to Bukit Raja I had to calm him down. He managed to free half of his body when we reached the groceries shop near my house.
Berpeluh-peluh aku dukung dia sambil pilih ikan, sayur and some other things. By the time we reached home, it was nearly 5pm. Since I needed to pick up Che Man at 6.00pm, I had to skip tea time and straight away prepared dinner, did one load of laundry and gave Aiman his evening bath.
After we got home, we had home cooked dinner and I did some house chores (so that I don’t have to do to many things the next day).
The planned was to prepare breakfast for them on Sunday. Tapi bangun tido je teringat roti arab from nearby restaurant. So Che Man went and tapau breakfast and after that just lepak till afternoon.
Afternoon mission started a bit late. After so many weekends, I finally found my self at Summit USJ. Got myself 6 DVDs, 3 books, few shorts and t-shirts. We had Japanese food for lunch. Chasing Aiman around made us felt tired. So we decided to leave the mall earlier than planned.
Aiman slept all the way to Bukit Raja. But we didn’t go home straight. We went and checked our still-in-progress house. This time around we managed to see our actual unit because jalan semua dah siap. But the door was locked of course. We took a look from the back of the house also and that was when I got shocked – the size of the kitchen is only about half of my current kitchen's size!
Well, I already know it is not going to be as big as current ones, but THAT small? Bertenang… bertenang….. Nomi. I’ll wait till I got my keys and see what I can do about it. Of course there are still rooms for renovation but looking at our financial forecast till end of this year, I doubt it that I can do many things with the house before we move in.
If we can pay overdue payment interest, deposit for water & electricity, pasang grills, lampu, kipas (hopefully air-cond too) and most importantly my kitchen cabinet (which is now I know it won’t cost so much anymore due to the ciput-size kitchen) and tempah langsir - dah cukup bagus dah. To break the wall so to extend the kitchen till the dry area, change the tiles, put up wall tiles, build additional wall and change the door location is too ambitious at this point of time.
Biasa la. Tuan rumah dengan anak tuan rumah
mesti nak ambik gambar depan rumah....
We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening cleaning bathrooms, trimming grass, angkat kain, lipat kain, another load of laundry, gosok baju, mengelap sana situ, preparing dinner and layan Aiman. When Aiman finally tido and Che Man started doing his office works, I spent two and half hours watching Slumdog Millionaire. (Ye… baru sekarang dapat tengok, berhenti menjuih bibir tu ye.) I even managed to read few pages from the newly purchased book.
I love this type of weekend where I did my house chores tanpa tergesa-gesa. Enjoyed breakfast with two special ‘men’ in my life while watching TV and read weekend newspapers. Watched my husband trimming our laman semak with Aiman tried to ‘help’ him around. Realized Che Man menghabiskan dua pinggan nasi with my mediocre lauks - macam la sedap sangat. Peluk and cium each other sambil menunjuk-nunjuk kat Aiman simply because we know that he will tergelak-gelak malu. (I wonder why).
Spent time with Aiman dari pagi sampai petang. I love it when he suddenly appeared in the kitchen and bodek me so that I’ll make him his susu. Tetiba dia datang berlari and hugged my legs and said "yea yea… ibu… ibu.." and asked me to dukung him so that he can see what was in my kuali. Gave him bath and struggled to brush his teeth. Bergumpal-gumpal atas katil sambil bergelak ketawa, sorted out his no-longer-fit clothes which reminded me kisah dia dolu-dolu when he was still muat in those baju(s).
Berlari-lari anak kat shopping mall sambil terjerit-jerit kat Aiman. Threatened him that we won’t bring him to mall again – knowing it won’t happen ;) Forced Che Man to eat Japanese food just for the sake of trying. Finally got my DVDs and books, walaupun only God knows when I’ll watch or read them!
I didn’t do some other things that I wanted to do last weekend. Mostly something to do with cleaning, arranging, sorting, storing, etc. But it’s ok. Weekend does not always equal to hari mengemas rumah.
It is also about spending quality time with your little family.
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